Sunday, June 27, 2004


Surrounded by History

I mentioned to Henry Verheggen that one of my ideas for a dream vacation was to visit Civil War battlefields. He replied:
I live outside a small 18th century town called Waterford where there was a skirmish near the Baptist church, still standing. I live on Loyalty Road, so-called because the Quakers of Waterford sided with the Union. On the other side of Catoctin Ridge from me is the site of the Balls Bluff, where Oliver Wendell Holmes was severely wounded. From my backyard, I look at the Blue Ridge mountains running in a straight line from horizon to horizon. To the north I can see the gap where the Potomac flows through at Harper's Ferry. Just north of the gap I see South Mountain, where General Garland was killed and is buried. (I am descended from the Garlands, who have been in VA since the mid 1600's.) On the other side of South Mountain is Antietam.

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