Tuesday, April 07, 2015


Shake Off All Responsibility

Adam Ferguson, letter to Joseph Black (August 25, 1797), in The Correspondence of Adam Ferguson, Vol. 2: 1781-1816, ed. Vincenzo Merole (London: William Pickering, 1995), pp. 417-418 (at 418, with the editor's note):
I felt or fancyed my Cure was advancing every time I bathed, & so I hope will Mr Stuart2, or if it should come insensibly that will be alike in the end, & that he will make as good a Retreat into Old Age as I have done, that is shake off all responsibility and bless every day that he lives.

2 Andrew Stuart of Torrance.
Ferguson was 74 when he wrote this letter.

Hat tip: Ian Jackson.

Related post: Retirement Plans.

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