Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Blessings of Children

Euripides, Ion 472-491 (tr. Edward P. Coleridge):
For this brings to man a settled source of all-surpassing bliss, even to such as see in their ancestral halls a splendid race of strong young parents blest with offspring, to inherit from their sires their wealth in due succession after other children; yea, for they are a defence in time of trouble, and add a charm to weal, affording to their fatherland a saving help in battle. Give me before the pomp of wealth or royal marriages the careful nurture of noble children. The childless life I do abhor, and him who thinks it good I blame; to a happy life amongst my children, blest with moderate wealth, may I hold fast.

ὑπερβαλλούσας γὰρ ἔχει
θνατοῖς εὐδαιμονίας
ἀκίνητον ἀφορμάν,
τέκνων οἷς ἂν καρποφόροι        475
λάμπωσιν ἐν θαλάμοις
πατρίοισι νεάνιδες ἧβαι,
διαδέκτορα πλοῦτον ὡς
ἕξοντες ἐκ πατέρων
ἑτέροις ἐπὶ τέκνοις.        480
ἄλκαρ τε γὰρ ἐν κακοῖς
σύν τ' εὐτυχίαις φίλον
δορί τε γᾷ πατρίᾳ φέρει
σωτήριον ἀλκάν.
ἐμοὶ μὲν πλούτου τε πάρος        485
βασιλικῶν τ' εἶεν θαλάμων
τροφαὶ κήδειοι τέκνων κεδνῶν.
τὸν ἄπαιδα δ' ἀποστυγῶ
βίον, ᾧ τε δοκεῖ ψέγω·
μετὰ δὲ κτεάνων μετρίων βιοτᾶς        490
εὔπαιδος ἐχοίμαν.

475 καρποφόροι Diggle: καρποτρόφοι L: καρποφόροις sive κουροτρόφοις Dobree: κουροτρόφοι Musgrave: καρποφόρων Gunther Martin
481 ἄλκαρ Dawe et Willink: ἀλκά L: αἴγλα F.W. Schmidt
484 ἀλκάν L: αἴγλαν Herwerden: αἰχμάν Wilamowitz: αὐγάν Grégoire: ἀκμάν Verrall
487 τεκέων κεδνῶν post Fritzsche (τεκέων) Willink: κεδνῶν γε τέκνων L
But cf. id. 507-508 (an exception to the rule):
Never have I seen it told in woven tale or legend that children born to gods by daughters of earth have any share in bliss.

οὔτ᾿ ἐπὶ κερκίσιν οὔτε †λόγοις† φάτιν
ἄιον εὐτυχίας μετέχειν θεόθεν τέκνα θνατοῖς.

507 λόγοις L: χοροῖς Reiske
See Georges Raepsaet, "Les motivations de la natalité à Athènes aux Ve et IVe siècles avant notre ère," Antiquité Classique 40 (1971) 80–110, who discusses motivations for having children under the following headings:
  1. L'enfant, garant de bonheur et de prospérité
  2. L'enfant, appui pour les parents
  3. L'enfant: instrument de transmission des biens
  4. Motivations religieuses
  5. όνομα - δόμος - οίκος - γένος
  6. Motivations patriotiques
  7. Causes philosophiques

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