Monday, November 26, 2018


Fall to Your Cheesecakes

Ben Jonson (1572-1637), The Sad Shepherd, Act I, Scene 7:
Fall to your cheese-cakes, curdles, clawted creame,
Your fooles, your flaunes; and of ale a streame
To wash it from your livers: straine ewes milke
Into your cider sillabubs...
Foole = "A dish composed of fruit stewed, crushed, and mixed with milk, cream, or custard" (Oxford English Dictionary); flaune = flan, custard; sillabub = "A drink or dish made of milk (frequently as drawn from the cow) or cream, curdled by the admixture of wine, cider, or other acid, and often sweetened and flavoured" (OED).

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