Monday, November 07, 2022



Aeschylus, Libation Bearers 309-314 (tr. Herbert Weir Smyth):
"For a word of hate let a word of hate be said," Justice cries out as she exacts the debt, "and for a murderous stroke let a murderous stroke be paid." "Let it be done to him as he does," says the age-old wisdom.

ἀντὶ μὲν ἐχθρᾶς γλώσσης ἐχθρὰ
γλῶσσα τελείσθω· τοὐφειλόμενον        310
πράσσουσα Δίκη μέγ᾽ ἀυτεῖ·
ἀντὶ δὲ πληγῆς φονίας φονίαν
πληγὴν τινέτω. δράσαντι παθεῖν,
τριγέρων μῦθος τάδε φωνεῖ.
Hesiod, fragment 286 (tr. Glenn W. Most):
If someone sowed evils, he would reap evil profits;
if he suffered what he committed, the judgment would be straight.

εἰ κακά τις σπείραι, κακὰ κέρδεά κ' ἀμήσειεν·
εἴ κε πάθοι, τά τ’ ἔρεξε, δίκη κ' ἰθεῖα γένοιτο.
Pindar, Nemean Odes 4.32 (tr. John Sandys):
'Tis fitting that whoso doeth aught should suffer also.

ῥέζοντά τι καὶ παθεῖν ἔοικεν.
Sophocles, fragment 223b Radt, 229 Pearson (my translation):
For the one who does something ought also to suffer.

τὸν δρῶντα γάρ τι καὶ παθεῖν ὀφείλεται.

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