Wednesday, January 04, 2023


Abusive Epithets

François Rabelais, Gargantua, chap. 25 (tr. J.M. Cohen):
The cake-bakers, however, were not at all inclined to accede to this request and, what is worse, they heaped insults on the shepherds, calling them babblers, snaggle-teeth, crazy carrot-heads, scabs, shit-a-beds, boors, sly cheats, lazy louts, fancy fellows, drunkards, braggarts, good-for-nothings, dunderheads, nut-shellers, beggars, sneak-thieves, mincing milksops, apers of their betters, half-wits, gapers, hovel-dwellers, poor fish, cacklers, conceited monkeys, teeth-clatterers, dung-drovers, shitten shepherds, and other such abusive epithets.

A leur requeste ne feurent aulcunement enclinéz les fouaciers, mais (que pis est) les oultragerent grandement, les appelans trop diteulx, breschedens, plaisans rousseaulx, galliers, chienlictz, averlans, limes sourdes, faictneans, friandeaulx, bustarins, talvassiers, riennevaulx, rustres, challans, hapelopins, trainne-guainnes, gentilz flocquetz, copieux, landores, malotruz, dendins, baugears, tézéz, gaubregeux, gogueluz, claquedens, boyers d'étrons, bergiers de merde, et aultres telz épithètes diffamatoires.

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