Friday, December 06, 2024


Food and the Belly

Paul, 1 Corinthians 6:13 (tr. Joseph A. Fitzmyer):
Food for the stomach, and the stomach for food, and God will do away with both the one and the other.

τὰ βρώματα τῇ κοιλίᾳ, καὶ ἡ κοιλία τοῖς βρώμασιν· ὁ δὲ θεὸς καὶ ταύτην καὶ ταῦτα καταργήσει.
A slogan of the Corinthians, according to some commentators. Some translators (including Fitzmyer) surround the sentence with quotation marks. NIV even adds words (underlined here) not in the Greek:
You say, "Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, and God will destroy them both."
Note the chiasmus.

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